Sunday, September 21, 2014

John Proctor: Hero or Stooge?

First of all, what is a stooge?
I always think of the Three Stooges, obviously, when I hear this term. So I'm just going to assume from this point on that "stooge" means someone foolish, or a guy with an awful haircut.
John Proctor in the Crucible was supposed to be some crusty old man, but for some reason, I liked him from the start. Yeah, he cheated on his wife, and I hate him for that, but he seems to be one of the more reasonable characters: he doesn't jump to witchcraft as a conclusion for an action, he just seems to be his own honest self.

Proctor's character doesn't change, but rather gains my trust as the Crucible moves on. Yes, there is some tension between him and his wife in Act II, and yes, we're all wondering why she didn't throw him on the street along with Abigail, but you have it imprinted in your mind that he loves Elizabeth, especially during Act III. He makes it clear how having Elizabeth executed would hurt him very badly, and her living for a year is not enough for him. Not just Elizabeth, however, does he make himself good for. Him confessing to having an affair with Abigail makes me really admire him. Because he's giving up his image for the good of Salem, although it doesn't get him far. And he keeps his morals over his life when he refuses to confess, and he keeps his soul pure by not telling a lie.

Let's go back to the question. If a stooge is someone foolish, this wouldn't be John Proctor. He may have committed a mistake, but this is not foolish, it's something that is a mistake, and proves that John Proctor let his lust rule over his mind just for a moment. Which is horrible, but not foolish. However, is John Proctor a hero? Sure, during good moments during Act III and Act IV, and also some parts of Act II, but his affair is truly one to remember. I cannot see him as a hero in that sense. So I'm going to have to say he is hero nor stooge


  1. Jan! I definitely agree with you on the fact that he is really a bit of both. You worded this really well!

  2. I love the way how you brought background info into the blog. I agree with your answer to the question.

  3. I like the wording to describe John Proctor and that the blog feels engaging and welcoming. I also agree with your view on Proctor.
